Initial Agreement of the SPIA - 1916
Initial By-Laws of the SPIA - 1916
Directors Meeting Minutes 7-21-1916
Directors Meeting Minutes 8-18-1916
Directors Meeting Minutes 9-1-1916
Directors Meeting Minutes 9-8-1916
Directors Meeting Minutes 9-23-1916
SPIA Meeting Minutes 7-31-1916
Directors Meeting Minutes 8-18-1916
Recored of the first meeting
These are the original founding documents of the SPIA (Salters Point Improvement Association). The first meeting was at the Maxwell Cottage (73 Naushon) on July 21, 1916.
Present at this meeting were Henry K. Snow (85 Naushon), Frank W. Wentworth (82 Naushon), John W Paul (50 Naushon), James W. Allen (14 Gosnold), Robert M Leach (45 Naushon), Arnold Scott (9 Gosnold) and Gilbert D. Maxwell (73 Naushon). Gilbert d. Maxwell was elected president/chairman and James W. Allen was elected secretary/treasurer.
At the first meeting of the SPIA all present were voted in as members with no initition fee. Scott, Leach and Snow were elected to the board of directors. The SPIA voted to place a watchman at the gate on Sunday and Wednesday to stop trespassers.
The land which is now the golf course was purchased from Mr. Waite for $4,000, which was paid for by a loan.